FitTick - Hearing Protection Fit Testing
Call us on 1300-SAFETY
Hearing Protection Fit Testing
FitTick provides Australia-wide earplug and earmuff fit testing (HPE fit-testing) to a broad range of industries. The FitTick program was developed to help companies and government organisations to become and stay compliant with current legislation and the Occupational Health & Safety Standards in Australia.
Occupational Noise Management Standard
FitTick offers a unique combination of experience, technology and flexibility.
A FitTick fit test is an audit of a worker’s hearing protection equipment in conjunction with an assessment of the employee’s hearing ability. It provides information about the individual level of protection the provided HPE (earplugs or muffs) for each worker.
We are able to carry out tests anytime, anywhere within Australia using our purpose-built testing booth and pop-up testing facilities, which can usually be set up within 24 hours. Our highly skilled team of FitTick technicians is experienced working with almost all brands and types of ear protection equipment available.
Please book your test online (up to 20 people) or get in touch for a free quote.
We are experienced in conducting large numbers of tests (500+) for clients in mining, manufacturing, agriculture, pharmaceutical and many other industries.
Australian Standard
AS/NZ 1269.3:2005
Why Hearing Protection (HPE) Fit testing?
Duty of care
FitTick fit testing ensures that employees adjust their HPE properly so it provides adequate noise protection , even when combined with other PPE such as Hard-hats or glasses, or when the employee is doing work that requires movement.
Risk Management
Fit testing can provide your business with valuable OHS insights by uncovering risks such as inadequate adjustment of PPE, old ear-muffs or earplugs needing replacement, employee non-compliance, and seal risks.
Ongoing Compliancy
Ideally, fit testing should form part of your pre-employment, onboarding or health management process to produce current records for your employee file.
HPE Fit testing Procedure
Quick assessment to determine if the individual tested was exposed to loud noise prior to the test, if any hearing impairments are known and if any medical issues might occur (disability, earaches).
2. Confirmation of type, brand, model, style of hearing protection equipment (earplug or ear muff) tested is the same to the once the participants wears at work.
Demonstration of the right way to insert ear-plugs or adjust earmuffs for
highest possible seal.
Explanation and conduction of test
- The participant will insert earplugs themselves.
- The tested earplugs have adapters that are attached to the testing equipment.
- The individual has to face a speaker and is asked to look at a focal point during the test.
- A loud noise will be produced to test attenuation.
- The test is repeated three times to achieve an average result.
5. Based on the report produced by our testing equipment, the FitTick consultant will review and discuss the results with the participant and will be available to answer questions.
FitTick hearing protection fit tests can be carried out on-site or in-house in one of our offices, or at a pop-up testing location anywhere in Australia.
Our team of technicians uses state-of-the-art equipment and a simple, standardised process to reduce the time per test to a minimum (approximately 10 minutes per person) and to ensure that all tests are done under similar conditions.
We offer pop-up testing at your workplace or anywhere Australia-wide at a suitable location.
Mobile Booth
Our purpose-built and calibrated testing booth is available throughout South Australia.
Tips for employees to prepare for ear plug testing
Hearing Protection Fit Test
The shape, depth and diameter of an ear canal is as individual as a fingerprint.
All of these factors can have an impact on the test results, we recommend the following steps in preparation of your test.
Please bring with you your current hearing protection that is used in the workplace (optional)
Avoid loud noise prior to the test
Pease bring your most recent hearing test (optional)
Fit testing Results
Each test produces a digital file containing the details of the person tested, a date and time stamp and the results of the test. Our system also produces a computer-print out which, on completion of the HPE fit test, is sent to the employer for their records. The digital file is used by FitTIck to produce the FitTick Card, and to provide information to the employer any time when needed.
FitTick Card
The durable FitTick card is designed to be carried with you so you can prove your PPE is up to the relevant standard, including the date of your test and the due date of the next test.
All employees passing the assessment will receive a card, while their employer can rest assured that their testing information is held safely and securely in our database, ensuring timely reminders once tests are due, even if the employee misplaces their card.
Request a Quick Quote or book online
We are happy to provide you with a custom quote, however for one-off tests or low amounts of tests (less than 10) please book online.